I don't know about this girl. She isn't growing "right." This is not to say she is small, she is, but that doesn't worry me. Even if she was the tiniest 4 month old, ever, that would be alright, if she was also the tiniest 2 week old ever. Instead, she is getting tinier. I hope this makes sense. I need some support.
At her 2 week appointment, her stats were:
weight - 7 lbs. 6 ozs. 60th percentile
height - 20” 75th percentile
head circumference - 36 ½ cm 100th percentile.
At her 2 month appointment, her stats were:
weight - 8 lbs. 11 ozs. 15th percentile
height - 22 ½” 50th percentile
head circumference - 39 cm 75th percentile.
Then, yesterday at her 4 month appointment, her stats were:
weight - 9 lbs. 7 ozs. <5th> my sock WIP. I can't find it. The last time I saw it was Saturday when we came home from soccer.
Updated to add: Isn't being a mommy so much fun! I just talked to the doctor (she called me herself). I had called the nurse and she told me it was all okay. If the doctor had been really worried, she would have admitted her to the hospital. Then the doc called me to apologize for scaring me. Part of my problem was that ever since she was born people have been constantly telling me how tiny she is. Every stranger that sees her, practically! So, I had that in the back of my mind.
Thanks for the good thoughts!