Wednesday, March 30, 2005

I love knitters

So in my blog visiting this morning, I read this post. Knitter's truly are the greatest!!!

I don't understand what happened with yesterday's post. I remembered last night that I forgot to push "Post" and left it in the drafts. Today I try to post it, and the couple of paragraphs became half a sentence! It was all about my wonderful sock I am making with the yarn from my Secret Pal, and my progress on Mariah. It had links and everything! I don't wanna make it again.

My sister is in Utah this week. She goes about once a month for work. Today it is snowing. She took a picture of the PT Cruiser she is renting this week with snow all over it.

I also came across this article this morning.

I am going to push POST this time. Wish me luck.


Violet said...

Thanks for sharing that post. How wonderful knitters are. I have made many more true friends through my knitting than anywhere else.

Mary J. said...

Meeting knitters online is one thing and having them send you a special afghan is another! Can I meet these people? Wow!

I get the same feeling when I meet other vegetarians, and we start swapping recipies and sharing our favorite restaurants.